Ich Bin Was?er: Mindful Hydration

Being introduced to the UK for 2020 as part of our Beverage Accelerator, Austrian functional water brand Ich Bin Was?er is looking to reconnect a generation with the natural flavours around them through their innovative range of products. Each of their functional waters is packed full of natural fruits, leaves and flowers to produce a new, low-calorie drink that comes with a whole host of benefits. 

‘Everyone knows we should be drinking two litres of water a day, but let’s be honest, who actually is?’

Ich Bin Was?er is the refreshing vitality of the Austrian mountains in a bottle.Image credit: Ich Bin Was?er Instagram.

Ich Bin Was?er is the refreshing vitality of the Austrian mountains in a bottle.

Image credit: Ich Bin Was?er Instagram.

It is the question that drove Anna Abermann, co-founder of Ich Bin Was?er and sister brand Pona, to start the project two years ago and still drives her as the brand looks set to launch in the UK as part of our Beverage Accelerator programme.

To Anna, the problem is taste-related: water can be boring and uninspiring. All too easy to swap for a soft drink, coffee or beer to quench one’s thirst, regardless of the additional ingredients and their potential effects on the body. 

Ich Bin Was?er was designed to combat this, to address a generation of drinkers used to consuming just about anything but good old H2O by bottling the beauty of the natural world around her. Still spring water from the Austrian mountains is infused with a range of organic roots, herbs and other botanicals to create a number of refreshing flavour profiles that come with additional benefits thanks to the combinations of plant-based ingredients within. 

The four flavours took a number of years to perfect – a doctor and mixologist had to be drafted in at various points to perfect the recipes and ensure the effects of each natural element was complementary. It was hands-on production at every step, and 24 months later the processes remain largely similar to set Ich Bin Was?er apart from the competition:

‘Most people don’t realise that many of the alternative products they drink are bought ready-made; often these smaller companies tell larger companies what they want and simply rebrand it. 

We monitor the whole supply chain; everything is in our hands. No-one else does it like us: sourcing, recipes, experimenting, and that is why we stand by the products. It is really us in that bottle.’

We are excited to get behind the launch of such a range of innovative products that we feel could open up a category of their own here in the UK, and look forward to seeing them on the shelves of retailers up and down the country soon.

For further information on these innovative products visit ichbinwasser.at.