Growing Natural Brands

The UK’s grocery retail market was valued at over £205 billion pounds in 2020, and is set to reach almost £218 billion by 2024*.

UK Retail Grocery Market Breakdown, 2020

Source: IGD via Statista, 2020.

The pandemic has fuelled unprecedented changes in consumer behaviour, and as a result the retail landscape is now more competitive than ever.

Younger consumers are shopping differently and have new, emerging preferences that are shaping the future of the market. Understanding the value proposition of your brand ahead of launch is more important than ever to ensure you launch via the right channels to maximise your chances of success.

For further information on specific segments of the market visit our UK trends page where you will find free overviews of specific, trend-based segments of the UK market, produced on a monthly basis by our team of experts.

Alternatively, why not contact us for a conversation about how your brand could sit in the UK market - a member of the Brand Organic team will get back to you within 48 hours.

* Source: https://www.igd.com/articles/article-viewer/t/uk-food-sales-to-grow-by-24bn-by-2024/i/21868